Full paper/Extended abstract Submission Guideline

Full paper/Extended abstract Submission


  • Authors should adhere to the given guidelines when preparing a full paper to be submitted to ACRS 2024. Early submission is encouraged as it helps us to manage the review process in a timely manner.
  • Only the authors received an acceptance of abstract can submit a full paper.
  • Given template must be used to submit the paper in .doc/.docx format with following the guidelines as below:

  • General Requirements and Format:

    Paper Title: The Title of the Paper should be Times New Roman 14 with first letter of each word, other than the prepositions, capitalized in bold font.
    Language: All papers must be in correct scientific English. Authors may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited, to improve the language, before submission.
    Line Spacing: The paper must be 1.5 spaced.
    Margins: one-inch margins
    Font size: 12-point Times New Roman font
    Page size: A4
    Typeset text: Use normal capitalization within the text and do not use bold face for emphasis. Italics are acceptable. Please use of footnotes if necessary. Endnotes are not permitted.
    Length: The length of the article should be between 4000 - 8000 words (including list of references and annexures) and paper containing more than 8000 words will not be accepted.

    Structure of the Paper

  • The paper should have the following structure

  • 1.Title of the paper

    2.Authors and affiliation



    5.Introduction - including motivation, objectives and overview

    6.Main body - explanation of methods, algorithms, data used, instrumentation (sensors, systems, etc.), results and discussion




  • All authors should be listed on the first page after the title. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have seen, approved and are fully conversant with the contents of the paper. All authors are responsible for the accuracy of the manuscript, include paper should having all statistical calculations.
  • Author name(s) affiliation(s) and emails should appear after the title as follows: Lead Author, Co-Author One, Co-Author Two, etc. (Times New Roman 11).
  • Full affiliation of all authors, including job title, faculty, university & country (Italic, Times New Roman 10 with upper- and lowercase letters, centered).
  • *Corresponding author should be marked with asterisk.
  • The e-mail address of the corresponding author should be indicated center-aligned below the authors and affiliations. (Times New Romans font in size 10).

  • Abstract:

  • Abstract should be in single paragraph with 300 to 350 words without any citation.
  • It should be appeared in 11 font size and 1.5 line spaces.
  • It should cover the problem, objective, methods, and finding of the study briefly.

  • Key Words:

  • Include 4 or 5 key words in alphabetic order by using italic format in 12 font size.

  • Main Body of the Paper:

  • The full article should consist of the major elements, namely: Introduction/ background, problem statement, objective(s), methodology, literature survey, results and discussion, conclusion and references. Follow the template for expected format.
  • All subtopics should be bold and in 12 font size and body of the articles should be typed using 12 font size.
  • Key Words:

  • Include 4 or 5 key words in alphabetic order by using italic format in 12 font size.

  • References:

  • APA 7thedition (American Psychological Association 7thedition – more information (http://www.apastyle.org/ ) should be used to reference. All references should be ordered in alphabetically.
  • Click here to Full paper/ Extended abstract guidelines